Greenwashing in aviation: The latest rules and regulations on environmental campaigns

Greenwashing in aviation: The latest rules and regulations on environmental campaigns

The aviation industry has historically had a negative reputation of being greenhouse gas polluters. In an era where consumers are becoming more environmentally conscious of their actions, airlines in particular need to change the narrative and promote the sustainability initiatives they are involved in to help the industry reach its target of being carbon net zero by 2050. However, care should be taken when promoting these environmental initiatives, as we have seen an increase in both greenwashing claims against airlines alleging that their environmental campaigns are misleading, and calls from consumer groups for action by the courts and regulators to take a hard line against airlines in respect of their environmental campaigns. With a particular focus on aviation, this article covers the latest rules, regulations and legislation on environmental campaigns and summarises the approach taken by the courts and regulators both in the UK and EU against airlines in respect of their environmental marketing.  

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